An Agile Tale…

Once Upon a Time... ...there were business leaders all over the world who thought they understood Agile. Alas, they were wrong. They were convinced Agile was the solution to all the woes of their kingdom, or company, as it were. Alas, they were wrong about that, too. And they truly believed they...Read More >
Way of St James

This is the Way

Have you heard of the Camino de Santiago , also known as the Way of St. James ? It’s a network of ancient pilgrim routes across Europe to the tomb of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. People walk for a month or more from the Pyrenees in France through Spain’s northern Basque country...Read More >

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas…Project Management Style!

'Twas the night before Christmas and way across town, The overworked project manager's face had a frown, "I'm scared, and I'm lonely, and all out of time, my sponsor won't help me, won't send me a dime. I need so much help and I need it so fast,  but I have no mentor, no mentor, alas."   He...Read More >

Changes are Coming to the PMP Exam (Again)

UPDATE: PMI has postponed the implementation of these changes until January 2, 2021 If you have been considering getting your Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification but have been putting it off, now is the time to reconsider waiting … and Solarity is committed to helping! The...Read More >

Project Management: What’s in it for me?

Survival of the fittest isn’t just for struggling organisms in evolving ecosystems. Businesses need to make critical decisions to stay alive in a changing world, too. That’s why it never hurts my feelings when someone in an organization who isn’t familiar with project management asks a...Read More >