Be a part of the 1st PM Book Club session in Lexington! Join us as we discuss Simon Sinek’s TED inspired book, Start with Why.
We’ll discuss how the concepts of team building, motivation and leadership from Start with Why relate to the discipline of project management. Things will kick off with a 5-10 minute overview of key concepts from the book with one individual’s perceptions on how they relate to project management. This overview will enable everyone to participate whether you’ve read the book or not. The rest of the time will be small group discussion guided by a series of questions to explore how the book’s concepts can be applied to our real world projects.
Join us for an interactive way to learn, earn PDUs, and network with your peers in the region!
Thursday, May 12th at 7:30am
Solarity, 961 Beasley Street, Suite 140 (off Fortune Drive), Lexington, KY 40509
Beverages and snacks provided.
PDUs are self-reported in Category C: Self-Directed Learning.
Join the discussion today!
For those unable to attend the in-person session, you can still join the discussion online. Visit or the local PMI chapter website for each area for information on local sessions, to review current and past titles or to suggest new titles.
#ReadLearnGrow #PMBookClub