feet at the edge of a diving board

 Never has there been a time when it is so easy to consume.   Every day we are connected with different forms of devices absorbing content: researching data from your laptop for an important project, checking Facebook or Twitter from your phone while sitting at a red light (we don’t encourage this!), or getting updated on national/local news while using your tablet sitting on the couch at the end of your day.    It is a great time to consume, but while we see value and necessity in consuming, we want to ensure we are creating too.

 So we have decided to put more emphasis on content creation.   Why?   Good question.   For these 3 reasons, we’ve decided to blog more consistently:

  1. To Benefit You.     We want to dive in head first and share personal stories and experiences that will benefit our customers, our audience, our community.
  2. To Build Relationships.     One of our core values is Relationships.   We want to establish more of a presence through our blog as an additional way to reach out and have more interactions and dialogue in an effort to build more relationships.
  3. To Share Knowledge.     Many of the dynamic companies we work with recognize that knowledge provides power, and seek to grow their employees and their company through professional development.  We want to contribute by sharing our years of experience in Organizational Leadership, Strategic Planning, Project Management, and Change Management.   We want to share our stories and approaches in those key areas with you to provide relevant information you can take and apply in your work.

So, what’s next?   Well, we would like to understand you better, our audience.   We’ve created this short survey that will only take a few minutes to complete.   We want to understand and connect with each of you so we put out content that resonates.

As we begin blogging more consistently, we will be committing to a weekly post every Thursday.   You can count on it!

 Question:   Are you a creator?    Do you have a blog or website?   If so, please share so we can become a new follower!   If not, if you’ve ever considered starting, why not get started today by listing out your WHY!