By Sarah Sechrist

Here at Solarity, I’m in the accounting department, which means I work from an office on my computer making financial projections, tracking expenditures, crunching numbers, counting beans.

I don’t get out in the field, and I don’t meet with our partners and clients. Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel the excitement around our participation in the KentuckyWired statewide broadband initiative.

If you want to know the details about KentuckyWired you can check out this article, but I’ll share with you what KentuckyWired means to me.

  • I love seeing how communities are strategically developing goals that align with their needs
  • I love feeling the value of the work that we’re doing in bringing positive change to these communities
  • I love the feedback we’re getting
  • I love that we’re helping communities reach concrete, life-changing goals, whether it’s to improve their local economy, achieve a better standard of living, foster higher education opportunities, or something else


We’re just in the beginning stages, and Kentucky is still working on the fiber-optic backbone (the “middle mile”) that will link everything together. But as Solarity helps our communities to strategically plan the offshoots of that backbone, even from behind a computer screen you can feel the energy.

The shared vision of a broadband future for the state of Kentucky is desirable for everyone, and Solarity is one of the few companies working to bring about that future.

I love being a part of this work, even behind the scenes.

About the author

Sarah Sechrist joined to Solarity in 2012 as the Accounting and Office Manager. She was immediately drawn to the project management world and loves the atmosphere at Solarity. Sarah is known for getting things done and is passionate about our company. She ultimately helps Solarity keep all of our projects organized internally. Sarah currently serves at the Treasurer for the International Institute of Business Analysis, Bluegrass Chapter and actively shares her skills by volunteering with her church. 

About Solarity >

We partner with organizations and individuals to help them go “from inspiration to implementation” by helping them to define the right work, plan the work, and work the plan. Through our contract with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Solarity partners with communities to bring together the right people to help achieve the benefits of the high-speed internet connectivity provided by KentuckyWired.