Change Management for Administrative Professionals

Submitted by Sarah Sechrist

Change is something new, something different that impacts my life. Here at work, change involves an alteration to a project. I never thought Change Management would apply to me but 2015 has proved to be the year of new procedures. Things are constantly changing and here are some ways I’ve learned to handle it as an Administrative Professional: 

  • Help with the solution – Be included 
  • Listen to the team and communicate – Really soak in what others are saying and process it before moving on 
  • Go with the flow – Don’t be a discouragement to your team, embrace the new process 
  • Adapt – Implement the procedures or tasks with a smile on your face 

 At Solarity, Change Management is something we incorporate into every project we undertake with a client. After all, we can do a great job of completing a project on time, within budget, and meeting scope, but if the people effected aren’t “bought in”, the project could still be a failure. 

 How do you deal with change? Do you avoid it at all costs or do you embrace it and become part of the solution? 

 Learn more about managing change and how it can make a positive impact on you and your organization.